New Delhi – India’s External Affairs Minister Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar has announced that the dialogue process between India and Pakistan has concluded.

He made it clear that India will now adhere to its traditional strategic policies and there will be no progress in discussions on how to move forward with Pakistan.

Jaishankar stated that India has decided to end talks with Pakistan because Pakistan had only taken adversarial actions during the dialogue and failed to show any constructive engagement. According to him, Pakistan’s approach has been to escalate disputes rather than seek meaningful compromise, complicating the situation further.

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Following this decision, the Indian government has determined that substantial reforms in security and peace issues are necessary before engaging in any substantive dialogue with Pakistan. Jaishankar emphasized that India will follow a stable strategy in diplomacy and security matters to ensure accurate communication and implementation.

Meanwhile, questions are being raised about trade and cultural relations between India and Pakistan. Indian policymakers may face challenges in addressing major issues with Pakistan, and they will need to carefully consider the circumstances while determining their next steps.